May 26, 2010

Starting the Journey

I have finally decided to take on Lost. I stayed away from the show purposefully, after watching a few of the season one episodes years ago. I predicted (rightly) that this show would take a huge amount of effort to follow. I figured I would save myself some time and energy and spend my leisure time watching other critically heralded shows like The Sopranos and The Wire.

But now I am back, largely because of what I have read about the series finale. While I tried my best to avoid spoilers, I wanted to find out what Lost was about thematically. The consensus was that Lost is a show about a number of complex themes, including faith, fate, and free will. Reading about the prevalence of these themes in the show pushed me over the edge in my decision to follow Lost. These themes have formed the basis for a number of my favorite works of art. While it seems that a number of people were disappointed in the conclusion of the series, I am confident that the payoff at the end will be enough for me. While I will be investing a ton of time in the series, at least I know that the show will be about topics that interest me.

Getting through a show of this magnitude will be challenging. I plan on watching two episodes per day through season one before slowing to an episode per day through the following five seasons. This should allow me to finish the show in mid-September, although I may need to slow down towards the end of the show when law school begins. I plan on updating the blog with my thoughts on each episode regularly.

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